Tony's Orange.class Applet replacement Documentation
public class Sound extends Linkable

This class replaces the deprecated Applet sound classes and uses the underlying java sound API.   ATM, and just because I like the format, it only supports 8 bit microlaw format.


Sound(CoreFrame,String) // CoreFrame reference / sound file name
Create/load the sound into the parent Frame container

Sound(String tName,ComponentContext tComponent)

Create/load the sound into the parent Frame container

public String toString()
What it says :)

public synchronized void delay(int)
Asynchronous wait() on Sound Thread monitor for this many milliseconds

public void play()
 What it says :P

public void halt()  //
replaces stop()

public void cleanUp()
Remove/garbage collect all datal

public static void main(String args[])
Standard java main so you can call/play a sound from the CLI to ensure sound is actually working;  ie:  java Sound