HyperView2.959 bannerDocumentation


Public class HyperScrollbar extends Gadget implements HyperConstants


HyperScrollbar(HyperView,int destX,int destY,int tMinVal,int tMaxVal)

HyperScrollbar(HyperView,int destX,int destY,int tMinVal,int tMaxVal,int Flags)

Flag bits
SCROLLBAR_HORIZONTAL Make the Scollbar Horizontal
SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL Make the Scrollbar Veritcal
SCROLLBAR_MONO_CNTL . (Future expansion)

SCROLLBAR_ENA Enable this HyperScrollbar in the View
SCROLLBAR_LEFT Place on the left of parent Gob
SCROLLBAR_TOP  Place on the Top of parent Gob
SCROLLBAR_RIGHT Place on the right of parent Gob
SCROLLBAR_BOTTOM  Place on the bottom of parent Gob
SCROLLBAR_HORIZONTAL make it  horizontal
SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL make it vertical
SCROLLBAR_MONO_CNTL make it move horizontal and vertical.

Vertical Scrollbar

Veritcal HyperScrollbar
Horizontal Scrollbar
Horizontal HyperScrollbar.class

public void rethinkDimensions(int tMinVal,int tMaxVal)

public void rethinkDimensions(int tMinVal,int tMaxVal)
Change the granularity of the Scrollbar but not the size.

public void drawOutline()

public void drawOutline2()

public void onClick()

public void inKey()

5 classes that control the function of a HyperScrollbar.

LeftArrowMethod  leftArrowMethod

RightArrowMethod rightArrowMethod = new RightArrowMethod();
UpperArrowMethod upperArrowMethod = new UpperArrowMethod();

LowerArrowMethod lowerArrowMethod = new LowerArrowMethod();
ThumbPaneMethod  thumbPaneMethod  = new  ThumbPaneMethod();
public void fontSet(int val)

public void bGPenSet(int val)

public void makeBitmap(int,int,int);
Minimum value, Maximum value, flags (defined in HyperConstants.java)
